Adult Tennis
6-week coaching programme aims to develop players effectively.
See the results with the Top Tennis Progression Pathway. Move up the Tennis ladder from absolute beginner to elite player. See, feel, & believe the improvements with our Adult and Junior Coaching programmes. We guarantee success!
Children's Holiday Camps
Top Football Coaching Camps are a fun and exciting football and multi sports camp for boys and girls aged 3-14 years old.
Run by fully qualified, DBS checked professionals, Camps provide the perfect opportunity to develop as a footballer, whatever the standard of your child.
Football is played with a smile and our camps are no different. Each day is jammed packed full of fun-filled games, drills & laughter so every child learns the game we love in a fun & enjoyable way!
Football Camp
Age Groups:
Tots (3-4 Yrs) Reds (5-7 Yrs) Orange (8 - 10) & Greens (11 - 14 yrs)
9am - 1pm​​
Full Camp £200 Day Rate £50
11am - 1pm​
Half Camp £100 Day Rate £25
Full week bookings via the website. Day Rates please get in touch with Coach Billy
2023/24 Holiday Camp Timetable
February Half Term
17th - 21st February
Easter Holiday
Camp 1
7th - 11th April
St Paul's Camp
14th - 18th April
May Half Term
26th - 30th May
Summer Holiday
Camp 1
14th - 18th July
Camp 2
21st - 25th
Camp 3
@ St Paul's School
28th July -
2nd August
Camp 4
4th - 8th August​
Camp 5
25- 29th August
October Half Term
27th October
- 21st November
Terms & Conditions
Please note that payment is required to reserve a space in the class. If the lesson has to be cancelled you will be contacted up to 1 hour before the lesson and lesson will be carried forward. We endeavour to teach all lessons provided health & safety is not compromised.
For more T's & C's please click here
In partnership with: toptenniscoaching

Multi-sport Camps


Multi Sport option of Tennis & Football camp, featuring Top Tennis Coaching.
A longer sporting day. A fun filled 4 or 6 hour camp options for players ages 3 years +
Tots (3-5Yrs ) Reds (6-8 Yrs) & Orange (8 - 10)
9am - 1pm
Tennis 2 hours Football 2 hours
Full Camp £200
Day Rate £50
Greens (10 - 12Yrs) & Yellows (12 - 14Yrs)
9am - 3pm
Football 3 hours Tennis 3 hours
Full Camp £300
Day Rate £75
Full week bookings via the website. Day Rates please get in touch with Coach Billy